Lets start with a mini disclaimer...

Lets start with a mini disclaimer...

What do you write in your first blog post?

I'm going to be an open book here and say from the very start "this is going to be an interesting ride". I wrote a blog way back when, but there was no real reason behind it or thought. I just rambled!

This is very different. My intention here is to use this blog as a platform to share my story, my brand, my art. There is a catch though...

...writing makes me want to shrivel up in to a ball and roll in to a dark hole. It has never been a strength of mine, quite the opposite. As far back as I can remember, I've avoided anything that involved writing at any length. Yes, school was unavoidable obviously. My God how I don't miss that. 

I find it incredibly difficult to interpret what's in my head on to paper (or a screen). Trying to express a point of view, a thought, my emotions and feelings seems like the ultimate rollercoaster ride that never ends. This makes up the foundation of why I turned back to my art. I feel much more comfortable in my surroundings creating art that speaks for me, no matter how little the initial idea is.

So back to the beginning - why start with a mini disclaimer?

I'm not promising amazing blog posts with perfect grammar and takeaway content (not to start with anyway). I do promise to turn up, contribute, and learn a bunch along the way. If you stick with me, you'll be part of my journey, not just looking in to it. No doubt I'll go off on tangents, quite possibly not get my point across and probably waffle a bit - but my intention is good, and who knows...maybe you will learn something from me after all (just give it a little while ok?). 

I'm relying on you to keep me on track - so type me a comment or two in my continuing blog posts, just be kind. We can all do with a few kind words now and again from someone that's not in our usual orbit.

Until next time folks,

Helen xXx

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