5 tips to help you transition through summer to autumn and boost your feel good

5 tips to help you transition through summer to autumn and boost your feel good

Hello again!

(I told you i'd be back) I'm going to try and keep this one short and sweet with some very useful tips that I know work because I use them!

So autumn is slowly approaching and i'm here to help you transition through the seasons and stay on top! Remember in my last blog I mentioned SAD (seasonal affective disorder). Well it's a real thing and a lot of people go through it whether they realise it or not. You know...the sluggishness in the morning when you want just 5 more minutes in bed; the difficulty in getting up when it's still dark; light sensitivity; not feeling that in to anything; nothing making any sense until you've had your fifth coffee...the struggle is real!

So let's get stuck in...

  1. Start your day with a protein, fibre and fat rich breakfast. Your gut will thank you and you'll feel more energised and focused with your day. Give your digestive system the boost it needs to get up and running. You'll also feel more satisfied rather than reaching for the next carby snack and feeling sluggish mid-afternoon.
  2. Get out in nature - yes it's getting colder outside but that's what layers are for. Go outside within an hour of getting up. Get fresh air and sun rays on your face and in your eyes. I don't mean stare at the sun!! I do mean let natural light from the sun stimulate your eyes. Even when it's dull or cloudy, natural light is so much more potent and good for you than indoor light bulbs. Plus don't forget that all important Vit D.
  3. Listen to some of your favourite music or meet up with a friend for a good talk and a laugh. Uplifting music and social contact really do make you feel good!
  4. Turn off screens and bright lights an hour before you go to bed. Give your body time to unwind and get ready for a well deserved rest. Bright blue light late at night can interfere with your circadian rhythm and disrupt your body's 24 hour cycle.
  5. Get 8 hours sleep a night! It really is that simple. Be consistent and find a routine that works for you. For example - go to bed at 10pm and read to unwind, go to sleep around 11pm, and wake for 7am. This will do your mind and body so much good and have a ripple effect on the rest of your day. Just feel good!

There are so many things that you can do to improve your mindset and general wellbeing. These are just a few tips I thought you'd find handy to get you going.

I hope they help and you enjoy the beginnings of autumn in all its glory.

Be intentional, feel good, be happy!

Goodbye for now, with positivity,

Helen x

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